The Anti-Perfect Parent

A Guide to Helping Parents Transform Feelings of Overwhelm, Guilt and Isolation to Feel More Grounded and Accepting of Themselves and Their Child

You might be thinking…

Parenting is not all it’s cracked up to be.

As a parent or primary caregiver, you may be feeling overwhelmed and isolated, often leading to feelings of shame and guilt.

You may feel like you’ve lost control of your child, of yourself, and spend most of your time feeling lost, burdened, confused, and conflicted. You want to be a patient, compassionate and attuned caregiver, but are struggling to get there.

You read articles and try different techniques, attempting, striving to be that perfect parent. And when you come up short, you feel like a failure.

You are not alone.

In my decades of experience working with families, I’ve seen hundreds of parents and caregivers in your exact same position. It’s incredibly challenging to care for and regulate your children while feeling overstimulated and dysregulated yourself.

But I'm Here to Help

I’m Dafna Lender, and I’m a family therapy expert and attachment specialist as well as an international trainer and supervisor for practitioners who work with children and families.

I specialize in treating children and their parents, including those with ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, behavior outbursts, as well as those exposed to chronic mental illness, attachment wounds, and other forms of trauma.

From all this experience, I know how difficult it is to parent in these modern times, especially when your child(ren) has needs and challenges outside of your knowledge and experience.

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That's why I created The Anti-Perfect Parent.

This online course will help you to form secure attachments, increase patience and compassion, and feel fully present with your children. You will learn the skills you need to transition from burdened and overwhelmed, to grounded and calm.

Perfection is a myth. It's time to embrace the messiness.

Join the Beta Group

Educators, Child Development Professionals, Therapists, Social Workers, etc. may sign up, but the course will be directed towards parents and caregivers, who will also be prioritized for the beta group.

Since this is the first time offering the course, I am inviting a small group of parents and caregivers to join the beta group and participate in live training, in exchange for feedback. This will be the only time this course is offered live, so if you prefer to learn in real time, you should take advantage of this opportunity.

As a student in the beta group, you receive:

  • Six live trainings in January, approximately two hours each

  • Access to the course for a discounted price of $199

You’ll be expected to:

  • Attend at least three live sessions and watch the recordings of any sessions missed

  • Complete surveys about your experience in the course

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When you sign up, you’ll be asked about your day/time preferences. Actual dates/times may change based on participant feedback.

Jan. 16th, 7:30-9:30p ET

Module 1: Understanding Your Emotions

Jan. 17th 12:00-2:00p ET

Module 2: Understanding Your Child’s Behavior and Your Reactions to That Behavior

Jan. 23rd, 7:30-9:30p ET

Module 3: Building Stronger Parent-Child Relationship

Jan. 24th, 12:00-2:00p ET

Module 4: The Process of Connection, Rupture and Repair

Jan. 30th, 7:30-9:30p ET

Module 5: Navigating Complex Situations

Jan. 31st, 12:00-2:00p ET

Module 6: Creating a Supportive Community

Join Now


My child(ren) is neurodivergent/physically disabled/suffers from PTSD/etc. Is this course for me?

Absolutely! This course aims at helping ALL parents and caregivers self-regulate and show up for their children with patience and compassion. The course language and curriculum is inclusive of all children and parents, regardless of psychology, history, and family structure.

What if I can’t make the live sessions?

My co-parent and I would like to attend together, do we need to sign up separately?

I’m an educator, child development professional, therapist, social worker, parenting coach, etc. and want to take the course to help my patients/clients. Can I sign up?

My question isn't addressed here.

Ready to be the patient, compassionate, and grounded caregiver you always wanted to be?

Be the Anti-Perfect Parent

Registration closes 12/15/24

Join the Beta Group
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