4th Annual Kids Summit Keeping Pace with the Biggest Youth Mental Health Challenges Online Workshop

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Kids’ mental health is in crisis!

Inflamed by discrimination, stigma, school shootings and toxic social media, kids are experiencing insurmountable social isolation, harmful stress, and feelings of inadequacy...

This coupled with their psychological, spiritual, and neurodevelopmental needs not being met has led to a massive rise in major depression, addiction, suicidal ideation, and suicide completion.

And as the mental health needs of our youth are escalating, you're also facing oversized caseloads and a shortage of therapists making it harder to keep up with this demand.

That’s where we come in!

Join us for this year’s premier virtual event, the 4th Annual Kids Summit, where we’ve gathered 14 experts in child mental health, such as Ana Gomez, MonaDelahooke, Nick Kardaras, Eboni Webb, Dafna Lender, Tony Sheppard...

Who like you, come face-to-face every day with young clients struggling with trauma, attachment wounds, shame, suicide, grief and loss, and so much more.

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